Criteria Labs has extensive device qualification capabilities with a broad range of in-house solutions to address any requirement. Our experienced Reliability Engineers can create qualification plans and perform testing for semiconductor die and packages.
To stress these components and assemblies, Criteria Labs has developed a unique set of stress ovens, temperature cycles, and humidity chambers that can properly apply the required stress conditions. With over twenty years’ experience designing burn-in boards, test boards, and carriers, we can provide the necessary support to design high-temperature aging and test solutions.
Criteria Labs has developed unique carriers, test boards, and other techniques for extended life testing of electrical components at high temperatures. During life test, parts are typically pulled at selected intervals. Electrical test and device qualification data are collected for parameter drift analysis and curve fitting performed for erroneous equation wear out calculations and life predictions.
Criteria Labs specializes in RF solutions for a diverse set of markets including defense, commercial semiconductor, space, oil and gas, medical, and automotive companies.